BPM MC (Minnesota Outlaw Motorcycle Club)

This Minnesota based motorcycle club has been around for about 45 years (about 1975). The first question everyone has is "what does BPM stand for". Well, Beer, Pussy, and Motorcycles. The name in this case pretty much boils the club down to its priorities. They like to party and get rowdy and they may also be the largest single Outlaw Motorcycle Gang in Minnesota.

Now there isn't much in the news lately about BPM but they are no doubt still a very active club. Perhaps the most notorious even involving the club happened back in 1971 when BPM member John Peterson was killed in a battle between BPM and the newly formed Grim Reapers MC. It's unclear if this Grim Reapers club is related to the present day Grim Reapers that operate out of Tennessee, Indian, Kentucky, Illinois, and Iowa. As far as I can tell the Grim Reapers no longer have a club in Minnesota.

The fight between the Grim Reapers and BPM started when a member of BPM left the club to join the Grim Reapers. The BPM constitution states that no member can quit and join another club. So with that in mind, Peterson and other BPM's went to find the member that left the club for the Grim Reapers in order to the BPM colors (vest) back. They found who they were looking for and the exchange went peacefully without any fighting. The next day, however, The Grim Reapers jumped and beat a BPM and took his colors.

Obviously, BPM MC wasn't happy about this and went to confront The Grim Reapers and once again get their colors back. When they arrived at a house where they believed The Grim Reapers were at the situation got heated and  The Grim Reapers opened fire with guns killing John Peterson and wounding four others.

More recently BPM has been connected to distributing meth, assault, and theft. Members have been caught with automatic weapons and bombs as well. In 2015, former member David Michael Winters engaged in a shootout with the police that resulted in a manhunt and Winters in a standoff which ended with Winters going to prison.

BPMs have multiple chapters around Minnesota and are the largest OMG in Minnesota. They once avoided Minneapolis due to the Minneapolis chapter of the Hell's Angels. However, since Pat Matter (chapter president) was taken down on several charges speculation is that BPM has a stronger presence in the Twin Cities. 
